Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Toxin Lurking in Our Tap Water

My family has been avoiding fluoride ever since I found this information out years ago.  Water fluoridation seems to be a sacred cow in the US and we need to start to question if it really is good for us.  Drinking/ingesting fluoride is not only ineffective but it is extremely toxic to our whole body health.  Fluoride is the only pharmaceutical that massively distributed to every man, woman, child and infant that uses municipal tap water in their home.  Chlorine makes the water safer by killing the bugs in it, and it is easily filtered out using a carbon filter.  Fluoride is not there to make the water safe, it is there to medicate a whole community of people.  The American Dental Association has even recommended making infant formula reconstituted with water that has low or no levels of fluoride.  My question to you is how is a person without a great deal of means going to afford to buy a reverse osmosis filter for their house and have it installed to avoid the fluoride for their baby?  The answer is, they can't and their baby will suffer the consequences of the one pharmaceutical fits all approach.  So I actually have a solution to this problem for once.  I believe the dentists in the community have the power to change this mass medication.  If we can get enough dentists to listen and open their hearts and mind, I believe we can petition the water board to stop the water fluoridation in St. Louis and everywhere else in this country.  I've read many books and articles on this topic but this video below is very well done and I believe this may be the key to opening the eyes of the dental community.  Also the  pictures below are picture of what dental fluorosis looks like.  I've got it, my kids don't.  But i grew up drinking water right out of the tap and I am doing my best to keep my kids with as low a dose as possible.  Dental fluorosis is a signal of TOXIC levels of exposure of fluoride, our teeth are just the window and show the evidence but our bones, organs, and nervous system has also been exposed.  Don't let me convince you, do your own research and protect your family.

Informational Video on Water Fluoridation
Fluoride Action Network is another great resource.

Need a Saint Louis Chiropractor? Call 314-596-4070
Vital Force Clinic
10028 Manchester Road
Saint Louis, MO 63122

Dr. Bagley treats victims of serious accident and is featured in Your Legal Guide, which offers info on defense for DWI and settlements from a car wreck

Monday, April 30, 2012

The Skinny on Obesity!

This eye opening show is exactly what I am trying to fight against with my own habits and for my family.  This program does an eloquent explanation on how sugar effects us all and on subsequent videos goes a little further.  Please watch and have all of your family watch too.  

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Ladies Night of Indulgence

When: Friday, March 30th 5:00-9:00PM

Where: The Height's Community Center Ballroom
8001 Dale Avenue
Richmond Heights

Our annual Ladies Night of Indulgence
is just around the corner. Grab your
friends and head out for a night of
pampering and fun. Local businesses
will be there to provide everything from
free massages and mini manicures to
candles and jewelry. There is truly
something for everyone. Treat yourself
to a night you know you deserve.
We hope to see you there!
Please RSVP via email at healtheventsstl@gmail.com
or 314.266.2632 to reserve your spot.

Our Vendor List Includes:
Edward Jones
Stella and Dot
Arbonne International
Genesis Pure
Mid-County Jaycees
Vital Force Chiropractic
31 Gifts

Friday, January 13, 2012

How to Fight a Cold Faster

It’s that time of year when it’s almost dark at 4PM and bitterly cold outside and all we hear about it “cold a flu season.” I’ve put together a few tips on not only how to fight the cold you’ve already gotten but also how to prepare your body so you can prevent or make the next cold less severe.

1. A different way to look at cold symptoms: When you are in the middle of a runny nose or a full out sinus assault try and see it from your body’s point of view. A runny nose serves a very useful purpose. When we catch that cold the virus stimulates the membranes in the nose to produce mucus which carries germs from the nose and sinuses. When the body’s immune system starts battling it out, the mucus can change color (white or yellow). So as hard as it may be, next time you see colorful mucus in your Kleenex, say “Great going immune system!”

2. An ounce of prevention: So we hear about washing our hands this time of year very often. I’m all for that although I’m against using antibacterial soap. Another reason that many people are more prone to colds and flu is because of nervous system interference. See your chiropractor for a checkup to make sure your nervous system is sending the right signals to your immune system. Lastly, we have an epidemic of low vitamin D levels in the winter especially. Get your D levels checked and keep them optimized with supplements in the winter to stay healthy.

3. So what to do when your body is fighting that cold: Well when your immune system is activated, you may feel fatigued. That fatigue is actually a good thing, use it. Get more rest. They can live without you for one day at work or call a babysitter to play with the kids while you sleep. Do what it takes to get more rest because that is going to cut your recovery time. There are also some supplements that can be beneficial like Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Olive leaf, and Echinacea. Remember to keep drinking water and to avoid eating too many refined carbohydrates while recovering. Cold a flu medicines just cover up the symptoms which could be helping your body fight this infection faster.

4. Dr. Bagley’s favorite sore throat remedy: First get checked to see if you need an adjustment. Second mix up some ½ cup warm water, 1 tbsp sea salt, 1 tbsp lemon juice and 1 tsp cayenne pepper into a “tea.” Gargle with a mouthful a few times until the tea is gone. This is so gross but man does it help get your body going to get rid of that sore throat.

Stay warm out there and remember if you need a St. Louis Chiropractor call 314-596-4070