Monday, June 17, 2013

Yo-Yo Chiropractic

“Yo-Yo Chiropractic”

     You start a diet, lose 15 lbs, then quit… only to gain the weight back, plus five extra pounds.  When it’s time to fit into that bathing suit, you’ll repeat the process all over again.  Yo-yo dieting is transient and event based – not lifestyle based, thus the results are always fleeting. 

     Yo-Yo adjusting works the same way.  Pain based clients neglect themselves into a health crisis, start some chiropractic care to address it and once they get results, quit… only to gain the problem back, plus a few extra aches down the road.  When the flair ups interfere with their life, they run back to the chiropractor for another round of ‘pain-loss’ care.  But like yo-yo dieting, the results of on again – off again chiropractic are fleeting because a commitment has yet to be made. 

     It’s obvious, actively engaging in healthy routines (like clearing nerve stress from your spine on a regular basis) is better for your overall wellness than living crisis to crisis.  Not to mention, it’s cheaper on your pocketbook too.  Keeping your spine in optimal shape is not an event – it’s a Lifestyle.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Check Spine Light

What would you do if your car's low oil light came on today?  Would you immediately top off your engine with some 10W-30 weight or put some black tape over that little annoying light so you wouldn't have to deal with its foreshadowing glow any longer?

     If you continue to ignore the warning light, there’s a good chance your engine will seize down the road - and if you were checking your dipstick regularly and adding oil when needed, the light might not have come on in the first place.  The same applies to your spine and regular Chiropractic check-ups.

     When your spine gets behind on maintenance, pain is a potential warning light.   Unfortunately by the time pain shows up, you've probably been out of alignment too long.  If that's the case, don't 'black tape' the pain with Tylenol or Advil.  Bring your spine in for a proper Chiropractic adjustment today to avoid a catastrophic seize event tomorrow. 

Monday, June 3, 2013

Molding Back to Normal

“Molding Back to Normal”


 One of the most important benefits of Chiropractic care is the restoration of normal alignment and mechanics to your spine.  But getting the shape back to where it should be takes time and effort… especially if your spine is tight and rigid to begin with.

     If you’ve ever worked with a fresh block of modeling clay, you know how tough it can be to mold right from the start.  You have to work with it – kneading and loosening it until it becomes pliable.  The more you work with it, the more malleable it becomes and shaping becomes easier.  Re-establishing the normal front alignment and lateral curves of your spine is no different.

    If your spine has never been adjusted before, it’s not uncommon to feel some tightness or soreness in the early ‘kneading’ part of care.  But don’t worry, it’s only temporary – much like the soreness you feel the first time at the gym.  With each adjustment you’ll gain more flexibility, and with more flexibility – less tension and discomfort.